Knivsberg 2

More pictures from the family reunion

Flere billeder fra Korsemann familietræf

Seagulls hunting for worms on a freshly plowed field

Farmer plowing the field

Huge tractor and plow

Model of the old tower that used to be on the top of Knivsbjerg

Group photo reflection

Group photo reflection

After the group photo

After the group photo

After the group photo

After the group photo

After the group photo; Knud, Jørgen

Lunch and dinner bell in front of Michael-Jebsen house

Lunch and dinner bell in front of Michael-Jebsen house

Georg picking a mushroom during a nature hike

It's edible says the mushroom expert

Another edible mushroom

Georg explaining things about mushrooms

Søren (?), Jørgen and Silke

A spiderweb with dewdrops

A spiderweb with dewdrops

Pond at the bottom of Knivsbjerg

Walking down to the pond

Walking down to the pond; Søren (?), Jørgen, Silke, Keike, Bente, ?, ?, Georg

Looking at the pond

Looking at the pond

Going up the hill

Looking back at the pond from uphill

Looking back at the pond from uphill

Keike giving a piggyback ride

Georg picking another mushroom

It's edible too

Looking over a harvested field

Georg on the nature trail

Climbing up on the monument - it's irresistible

Climbing up on the monument - it's irresistible

Climbing up on the monument - it's irresistible

Climbing up on the monument - it's irresistible

Climbing up on the monument - it's irresistible

Climbing up on the monument - it's irresistible

Panorama of view from Knivsbjerg

Panorama 1

Panorama 2

Panorama 3

Panorama 4

View from top of Knivsbjerg

People milling about; Nikolaj, Katharina, Inga, Silke, Jørgen, Bente

Jan Friedrich, Elisabeth, Georg, Elke, Christoph, Nikolaj

Jan Friedrich, Christoph, Elisabeth, Elke, Hermann, Georg, Nikolaj

Kerstin, Silke

Nikolaj, Christoph, Jan Friedrich, Kerstin

View to a farm and wind turbines

Georg making noises on a staw of grass

Harbor at Kalvø

Harbor at Kalvø, swarm of tiny fish

Harbor at Kalvø

Harbor at Kalvø, jellyfish stuck on a branch dropped in the water

Harbor at Kalvø, jellyfish stuck on a branch dropped in the water

Harbor at Kalvø

Panorama of view from Kalvø harbor

Panorama 1

Panorama 2

Panorama 3

Panorama 4

Panorama 5

Panorama 6

Someone swimming

View of Kalvø estuary; old manor houses in the far distance; swimmer

An old viking ship in the Kalvø estuary

An old viking ship in the Kalvø estuary

Panorama of view towards Barsø from Kalvø

Panorama 1

Panorama 2

Panorama 3

Panorama 4

Panorama 5

Panorama 6

Estuary of Kalvø

Estuary of Kalvø

Estuary of Kalvø

Barsø island out in the sea

Barsø island out in the sea

Barsø island out in the sea

Kalvø estuary view

An old tree on Kalvø

An old tree on Kalvø

Georg, Elisabeth, Jørgen (Hermann and Bente hidden)

Fisherman carved statue

Fisherman carved statue

Kalvø estuary

Map of Kalvø and estuary

Leaving Kalvø

Leaving Kalvø; Jørgen, Bente, Hermann, Elisabeth, Georg


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